Welcome To EarnStreak Guys
To Earn On Earnstreak Without Getting Penalized You Have to Follow this rules Below
1) Watch and Earn : You Watch Short Video Ads on the app and after the video is done playing your earnings will automatically be added to your account. Note: you must wait for the video to be done then click on the video to engage with the video. After that close the video ads. Your earnings will be added to your account
2) Reading Blogs : You will click on a blog post and read it for 1 minutes and after that click on any of the ads and stay on the ads page for 30 seconds.
Note: Don’t exit the blog without reading the blog content for 1 minute or your earnings won’t be recorded. Once your earnings is recorded you will get a notification from the app that you have been rewarded for reading a blog. After that click on any of the ads on the page and spend 15 seconds reading contents on the ads you clicked website. Then you can exit your browser and go back to the app. You need to follow this rules so you don’t loose your coins
as more content is added to the app we will add more rules here for now. This is all.